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Access 40,000+ PowerPoint Presentations at PoweredTemplate


Powerpoint slides and presentations… love them or hate them, most of us need them.

As entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, speakers and even bloggers, we often find ourselves in situations where we are going to have to talk to a group or large audience. For times like these, it’s important to have a great set of slides to accompany your verbal skills. The last thing you want to do is open up Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote and start using default slides and images for your next big session.

First impressions count, so it’s important to make sure your slides represent you well!

The good news is that you don’t need to be a graphics designer or have to waste endless hours on creating a custom template for your slides. Sites like PoweredTemplate.com have over 40,000 different slides for you to choose from. Not only does this make your job as a speaker or presenter that much easier, it will also save you a lot of time in the process.

Instant Access to Thousands of Templates and Slides

One of the biggest decisions you are going to have to make when creating slides for your next presentation or meeting, it choosing a template that matches the feel of your message. If you are going to try and accomplish this with the default templates inside PowerPoint, good luck!

This process becomes a whole lot easier when using a site like PoweredTemplate, as you can search for relevant templates based off category, color, popularity and much more. Right when you hit the main page of PoweredTemplate.com, you will notice that they have a lot more to offer than just templates and slides. However, that’s what we are going to be focusing in on this article.


Once you click over to the PowerPoint templates section, you will notice that there are a wide range of existing templates to choose from — specifically their regular PowerPoint templates, Diagrams & Charts, Word templates and also Brochure based templates. This is perfect for anyone who might already have a large brand or business and is looking to create multiple presentations or provide handheld copies for their audience as well.

Just like when you choose an existing template from PowerPoint or Keynote, the slides available through PoweredTemplate come with a “master” slide and also a variation of internal slides which can be used in any order you like. The benefit here is that you will be able to have different templates for text, bullet points, images and video content, but will also have a consistent theme throughout your presentation.

After clicking on any of the slides available through PoweredTemplate, you will then be sent to the individual slide details page like the one below. Included on this page are screenshots of the master slide and any additional slides found within the set.


Under the “Template Features” section you will also see page/background sizes, file format for downloading and working versions of software for this individual template. You also won’t need to reformat or mess around with any of these templates, as you only need to download the file and open it within your preferred slide editor.

Implementing Diagrams and Charts into Your Slides

In addition to finding the perfect slide template, you will also have the opportunity to look through an extensive collection of PowerPoint diagrams as well. For anyone that has ever needed to include charts or rich-data into their presentations, you will greatly appreciate the customizable charts and diagrams PoweredTemplate has to offer — again, all fully sortable based on popularity, amount of downloads, and category.


In the screenshot above you will see some of the latest diagram and chart PowerPoint slides added to the marketplace. Each of them are unique in their own way and also come with up to 40 different unique slides.

When you factor in the amount of time it would take you to create your own charts and diagrams from scratch, a low price of just $ 36-$ 38 per slide seems like nothing.

How Much Does PoweredTemplate Cost?

Once you find a slide template you are happy with, you will then have the decision of how you want to pay for it. Each individual slide set has their own price, which is perfect if you are doing a one-time presentation and likely won’t be doing any more of them. However, if you are a brand or business that continually finds itself needing to provide reports and presentations for different audiences, joining PoweredTemplate.com on their subscription plan might be your best bet.

With this option you can subscribe on a 1, 3, 6 or 12 month subscription and have access to a wide range of templates for download. As mentioned earlier, the cost of one template is in the $ 30 to $ 40 range, yet the cost of a “Silver Membership” for one-month is only $ 49 — which gives you access to 10 template downloads per month. This seems kinda like a no-brainer to go with in almost all scenarios.


The biggest takeaway here is that you have a lot of options before you. Never settle for default PowerPoint slides and templates, as this is what your audience is going to be looking at for 30-60 minutes while you are speaking to them. Keep them alive, focused and engaged with your content by offering customized presentation templates from PoweredTemplate.com.

The post Access 40,000+ PowerPoint Presentations at PoweredTemplate appeared first on Zac Johnson.

Zac Johnson

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