Let’s just say that your monthly affiliate earning has never crossed $ 500.
But the bills are on your neck. You want to buy that new training course but no extra cash to do that.
Your web hosting provider is threatening to cut you off their server and you’re scared of losing your useful blog content. What is left for you?
The only solution is to triple that income. So instead of expecting a $ 500 check, you can expect $ 1,500 – is it possible to increase your income in as little as 30 days?
Absolutely yes!
In fact, you would be so surprised to earn even more than that, just by applying a few of these 6 smart techniques. Let’s get started with #1:
Add an upsell
Amazon is a company that uses upsell to sell their online shoppers more products. Upselling is the process of recommending other relevant and usually high-priced products to your customers. You could sell a bundle also – as shown in the screenshot above.
For instance, before a potential customer who purchased your software hits the checkout page, you’ll offer a one-on-one skype coaching to them. See an example here.
Through that coaching, you’ll explain some complicated issues, terms and how to get the most results out of your software or any other product you’re offering for sale.
As a freelance writer, I usually offer to write the first 1 data-driven blog post to the first 10 buyer to help them make more money. Does upsell work?
From 2006 – 2013, Amazon recorded a profit growth of $ 74.45 billion and they give 85% credit to their upsell strategy.
Write step by step tutorials
Teaching sells, says Brian Clark of Copyblogger media. What your target audience is looking for isn’t another opinion based review, full of fluffs and marketing gimmicks. With that, you’d find it pretty difficult to engage them, and convey the right message.
Knowing that a huge percentage of your prospects are likely new to the game.
They haven’t understood those SEO and Social media secrets yet. But when you make your product reviews and articles step by step, straight to the point, you’ll win their heart and instantly get them to buy.
Your tutorial doesn’t have to be 1000+ word, just make it useful and use sub-headings to break up large chunks of text. Use screenshots to give exact explanation to a particular topic.
Target ‘buyer intent’ keywords
Since 2013, I’ve succeeded in building 3 niche blogs, which generates decent affiliate income. Passive income for that matter!
From experience, I can say that you don’t need 100+ visitors to your “money site” before you can make decent income. In fact, one of my niche sites gets a little over 20 visitors a day, but the income from that blog alone is above $ 400/month.
How did I do that? I research “commercial keywords” and write decent content around them.
Start targeting keywords that reveals the intent of buying. For example, can you differentiate the intent of these two keywords?
- How to make money online
- Best money making programs
The first keyword is informational in nature. People searching for it are seemingly broke, and wouldn’t want to invest any money before they can make more of it. But the second keyword is for those who are ready to invest money in a program that will work for them. See that?
If you’ve been targeting informational types of keywords, especially the ones that begins with “how to,” then you need to stop. Research buyer-intent key phrases – you’ll increase your earnings in 30 days if you rank highly in Google top 10.
Set up a backend offer
A backend product is that one which you offer for sale ‘after’ you’ve earned the trust of your customer. In other words, don’t just offer a single product for sale to your hungry buyers, bring on more products.
This is how I do it: when I sell my kindle books, I’d recommend another of my book or copywriting services and it converts 1 customer out of 50 e-book sales.
Unlike upselling where the product is higher priced, a back end product could be a cheaper product or an additional feature to an existing product. It works well with software.
Hoard your vital information
You’re an honest guy, I know.
But in the world of internet marketing, you’ve to be creative and understand the psychology of consumers. People hate to miss out on vital things that can improve their lives. Did you know that people are more careful not to lose $ 1 than gaining $ 1?
When you have information that’s so powerful and has the potential to make someone better, you’d benefit most if you hoard it, and reveal it to the lucky ones.
This is how experts host webinars and sell out hundreds of slots within hours of sending out emails to their subscribers.
Keynote speakers use this strategy also when making a presentation at a conference or workshop – they keep the best information for the end. Only to reveal where people can grab it – usually their coaching programs, paperback book or software.
Use paid traffic
Matt Lloyd advocates paid traffic as the paid tactic for generating decent income through high priced products. And I’ve to agree with him. As an affiliate marketer, you’ve to invest in premium traffic – because the truth is that free traffic doesn’t exist.
Guest blogging, twitter and facebook marketing as well as blog outreach takes a bunch of effort to nail down, it drains your time – and time is money.
Sure, you shouldn’t shy away from writing content and creating useful videos that would funnel traffic back to your site, but by investing a little above $ 100, you can get decent premium traffic that are already qualified.
AdNetworks really is a great place to start. There are high-traffic blogs that will place your banner on their sidebar and above the fold for less than $ 100 per month. You’ll find such blogs at buysellads.com.
Most importantly, when you use AdNetworks to buy traffic, don’t send the clicks to your sales letter or store.
But send the traffic to your landing page to capture email leads – then build rapport before recommending your affiliate offer. You’ll convert more subscribers into customers when the trust is there.
There you’ve it – the six smart techniques that are proven to triple your affiliate income in the next 30 days. However, knowing this wouldn’t make any difference in your earnings, but implementing them.
If I were you, I’d pay more attention to #1 and #5. Just by applying the techniques, you’d triple your product sales, build authority (just like Amazon.com had done) and establish a system that thrives for a long time.
What other proven techniques have you used to increase your affiliate earnings this year? Share your comments below. See you at the top!
Michael Chibuzor is a freelance copywriter and shows you how to get your first 1000+ blog visitors if you must make a living online. Get started today if you’re sick and tired of half-baked traffic generation ideas out there.
The post 6 Smart Techniques That Will Triple Your Affiliate Earnings in 30 Days appeared first on Zac Johnson.