We’ve heard it all before… “Content is King”…
While that may be the truth, I actually like to think of content as being a Kingdom in stead.
Content can remain King, Promotion can be the Queen… and then you have all of the other necessities to make your content for you as well, such as the people within your Kingdom (content creators) and also the Loyal Subjects (who comments, share and enjoy your content).
As you can see, there is a lot that goes into creating not only amazing content… but also how to bring it all together and actually getting it to work for you.
It’s time to break into the Kingdom and explore the world of content creation in this latest episode of Rise of the Entrepreneur.
Rise of the Entrepreneur – Episode 56 with Phillip Thune
Phillip Thune is the CEO at TextBroker.com and has a long background of success and taking businesses and organizations to the next level. Before his time with TextBroker, Phillip was the CEO of HireMeNow.com and President of MIVA (previously FindWhat.com) — where he helped grow the company grow from $ 500,000 in annual revenue to over $ 200 million in less than five years. During this time Phillip also helped the company raise $ 34 million dollars, acquire five businesses and also achieve a market capitalization of over $ 700 million.
As the CEO of TextBroker, one of the largest resources online for connecting clients and authors together to make amazing things happen, Phillip brings not only his experience, but also his passion and expertise to help others succeed in the world of content creation as well. TextBroker offers content creation services across the world (based on language) and allows authors to get paid to create great content, and connects clients with high qaulity writers to get their content creation needs filled.
Talking Points Discussed in this Episode:
- Phillip’s story and why he decided to join TextBroker as their CEO
- Content creation and the future of Google algorithm changes
- Google Knowledge Graph – What is it and how it effects web sites
- TextBroker’s world wide reach and how it got there
- How authors and writers are making money through TextBroker
- How clients and web sites are using TextBroker for content generation
- Three great Q&A questions for Phillip in the Pit of Fire
-> Download this episode to your computer.
Mentioned URLs and Resources:
I can’t thank you enough for listening in to the fifty-sixth episode of the Rise of the Entrepreneur. The podcast is currently available through iTunes (usually ranked in Top 50 in BUSINESS) and has already been downloaded in over 100+ different countries!
Be sure to check back often as a new episode will go live every TUESDAY. You can listen to each of the episodes through the blog or itunes, stitcher etc.
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The post ROTE 056: Phillip Thune and the Kingdom of Content Creation appeared first on Zac Johnson.