Affiliate marketing can be tough and as you continue your way to success, you definitely learn a lot along the way. While you might not be making a ton of money yet, what you have learned could be worth $ 500 if you were to share it with the AffiliateFix audience in their $ 500 monthly competition from Mobicow and AffiliateFix.
As entrepreneurs, bloggers and affiliates, we are all trying to make money and come up with new ways to convert our advertising dollars into higher earnings everyday. A common thread among all online marketers and entrepreneurs is our wiliness to share information and help others succeed — and that’s what this latest promotion from AffiliateFix is all about.
Now it’s time for you to cash in on sharing your experience and success by sharing your story with other AffiliateFix forum members. Each month a new winner is selected, and while the entries are all screened for quality and value, the winner is randomly selected among that month’s submission.
You can see May’s winner with their Paypal receipt for $ 500, awarded by Mobicow and AffiliateFix.
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It doesn’t matter if you aren’t a technical writer or even if you only made a few dollars from your case study or trial run… it’s all about putting your story out there in your own words and helping others learn in the process. Not only will this help others, but it will also allow you to expand your reach with other online marketers in the AffiliateFix Forum and build a name for yourself in the process.
After helping affiliates earn millions of dollars through my tutorials and guides on this blog, I can tell you that there is nothing better than helping others earn their first dollar online and hearing from them along the way. This is an opportunity for you to do the same, while also potentially winning $ 500 in the process!
Existing Guides and Tutorials within AffiliateFix
In addition to entering the content yourself, you will also find a ton of value from previous contributors. You can view May’s content, which includes a series of fascinating insights from seasoned affiliates and from some relative newcomers to the industry. Unsurprisingly, mobile and omni channel marketing were popular themes. We were treated to an exploration of pay per call techniques; insights into CPA mobile marketing; and a series of fascinating pieces on various affiliate’s journeys through mobile marketing.
You can see a preview of May’s tutorials, guides and entries below.
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I was previously featured on AffiliateFix and it was no surprise to me on the level of high quality guides and tutorials that were already accumulated through the site in previous monthly submissions.
Mainstream and traditional SEO techniques were also covered, with an exploration of tiered link building; some really useful material on keyword research; and a number of posts focusing on content-driven approaches.
Social promotion was also popular, with an exploration of Facebook hidden interests, whilst other contributors explored specific programs or technologies. The quality of the contributions was outstanding, demonstrating not only the commitment, tenacity and sheer grit out there in affiliate land but also a degree of altruism, with a clear willingness to share information for the benefit of others.
How to Win $ 500 from AffiliateFix and Mobicow
So, back to the $ 500 competition. Perhaps some of the ideas above may have inspired you. Are you an expert in any specific area or perhaps a newbie willing to share the trials and rewards of the earlier part of the affiliate journey?
It could be that some of the May posts prompt you to write a follow-up, perhaps endorsing the views of the original writer and adding some of your own. You may even decide to throw in some challenges in the form of a follow-along. After all, there is no one “right” in many online marketing disciplines and a little controversy or debate is always a healthy thing. But do please keep it positive and courteous; the idea is to build a library of resources that will be of genuine value to other affiliates. There are plenty of other forums out there if you’re just looking for a good old fashioned slanging match with an affiliate arch-rival!
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So, all you need to do once your entry is complete, is post it (there is no limit to the number of new threads you could enter in a month) and wait for the AffiliateFix moderator to approve it. If accepted, your entry will then be forwarded to the draw. It’s an easy contest to enter and it will take you some time to create a quality entry…. but where else are you going to get the opportunity to potentially win $ 500 with a 1/20 odds?
Remember, all entries have to be original, high quality and the real deal! In other words, for you to qualify for the draw, your content must be 100% unique with a ‘new’ thread for each given month.
The draw is random and runs from the beginning to the end of every month, so if you are not successful this time, don’t be disheartened because there is always next month.
And if you are the lucky winner, you will receive your $ 500 prize and your entry listed on the AffiliateFix Forum, where you can also view previous month’s entries and winners. Reading these will give you some idea as to the type of content the moderators are looking for.
Bonus Mobicow Coupon for AffiliateFix Members
And as if this isn’t exciting enough, AffiliateFix is offering an exclusive discount from their sponsor Mobicow — which is a revolutionary mobile advertising platform that specializes in full screen ads, which it is able to deliver direct to mobiles throughout the world. This is a breakthrough for advertisers and publishers who can now take advantage of big bold mobile advertising in a far more cost effective and efficient way. Welcome to the future!
Sign up to Mobicow via this exclusive link and receive $ 50 Mobile Traffic credit FREE. This is the ONLY Mobicow coupon available online!
Now it’s time for you to take action and get those creative juices flowing. Share your successes and even your failures, so we can all learn from them and in the process be in with a chance to win $ 500.
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The post AffiliateFix Forum: Win $ 500 for Your Affiliate Success Story appeared first on Zac Johnson.