If you’re working for yourself with your own business, knowing the ins and outs of marketing. But you can’t always be chained to your desk, right? Here are some of the truly essential apps for modern-day marketers who like to take advantage of current smartphone technology.
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Gain a bird’s-eye view of all the social mentions you and your competitors receive. Just add a business, and you’ll get notified via a feed about the companies’ mentions on various sites like Google+, Yelp, Groupon, etc.
The focus is on small business, so if you enter in Starbucks, you’ll get mentions for local franchises, but not the corporation as a whole. This is a great way to see how people like your company as well as come up with strategies to make your company better than your competitors.
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Campaign marketers can check their stats, update bids, budgets and more, thanks to this new app from Google AdWords! If you’re running a PPC, or pay-per-click, campaign, the AdWords app makes this easier while you’re on the go as well. Given that both Android and Adwords are both Google products, naturally, Android got first dibs, but it is not unlikely an iOS version might follow.
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Never forget an idea again! Fantastic for capturing–and sharing–lead generation ideas, Evernote is available as an Android app on both tablets and phones, as well as on a main PC browser, allowing you to jot down that last-minute idea to share before an important meeting. Good also for capturing web pages related to your ideas. Create various notebooks for all your information: projects, contacts, etc.
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Trello is the to-do-list app of all to-do-list apps! You can create to-do lists, and assign team members to take on those specific tasks, making delegation a LOT easier. You can access Trello from your main computer or on-the-go with an apps, so you can always be sure your to-do’s are completed on time.
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Delegate your social media marketing to an owl! HootSuite’s an all-in-one social media posting tool that allows you to post messages to places such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. Schedule posts so you don’t have to post manually, freeing up time for other things. HootSuite is available for both PC and smartphone usage.
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Browsing various sites–social media & otherwise–can be a little overwhelming, esp if you don’t have time to read everything in one go. Save webpages for later and when you’ve read them, you can check them off as read, and they’ll disappear from your “saved sites” queue, keeping clutter to a minimum, which is always nice. Available on phone, tablet and PC.
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It’s been perfectly described at one point as the “Facebook” for networkers, marketers and other professionals seeking to build their circle of contacts and referrals. But it is a site for professionals, which means you won’t get all the unnecessary “social entertainment” chatter. The phone app works better than the main website, and works great with HootSuite.
These are some of the best apps that have gotten mentioned time and again by those in the know. Give these a shot and see how each works for you. Mix and match each app’s functionality to create a custom marketing strategy that rockets your business upward. Some of these apps are also available as Firefox extensions creating a way to sync data between your PC and your phone. Truly marketing connectivity at its best.
The post Best Mobile Apps for Online Marketers appeared first on Zac Johnson.